Delivery and Assessments


IMT centres need to make sure that the chosen mode of delivery does not illegitimately or unlawfully discriminate, whether directly or indirectly, and that equality of opportunity is promoted. Centres are advised to select any mode of delivery at their interest that meets the needs of the learners. However, IMT Centres need to be considering the Learners’ complete learning experience when designing the delivery of programmes. Guided Learning Hours (GLH) which are listed in each unit gives the Centres the number of hours of teacher-supervised or direct study time likely to be required to teach that unit.


Each qualification’s units are internally assessed by the centres and externally verified by IMT. In order to achieve a ‘pass’, it is essential for the learners to provide adequate evidence to demonstrate that they have met all the learning outcome of the units and assessment criteria. The assessor makes a judgement that learner successfully fulfilled the assessment criteria.